Upper body exercises

Below are videos of the upper body exercises found on whyiexercise.com. The videos are organized by level of difficulty, with the easier exercises first. Each video is about 1 minute long. Follow the onscreen tips so that you will get the greatest benefit from these exercises.

#1 Chest expansion

#2 Biceps curls with a band

#3 Forearm Plank

#4 Rowing

#5 Pike Push Ups

#6 Double Press

*The exercise as shown is for advanced students only.  Please start on the flat ground without a foam roll.

#7 Lever Push Ups

Many of the exercises above have varying levels of difficulty, so you can adjust them as desired to make them easier or more difficult. For example, simply tighten your band (or use a heavier band), and Rowing, Chest Expansion and Biceps Curls become more challenging. On the other hand, if the video of Lever Push Ups looks too difficult, try the exercise without a foam roller, and with the ball under your waist instead of further down your legs. 

There are also several articles that combine the exercises into 15-20 minute workouts. The articles include detailed illustrations and more specific instructions. See below for more information.

Resistance Band Exercises
3 additional band exercises are included in this workout. You'll also strengthen your lower body by incorporating a lunge into your routine. 7 exercise videos and illustrations are included.

Body weight exercises 
Resistance training for the upper and lower body. All of the exercises can be done at home without equipment. Train your body to generate more force and power with movement. It will make activities like lifting, squatting and stair climbing much easier. 6 exercise videos included, including the Pike Push up video. 

Stability Ball Exercises 
Did you enjoy the challenge of the Lever Push Up exercise? Try this routine. The moves are adapted from Pilates and gymnastics exercises. Build strength and develop balance, control and stabilization for your torso and shoulder girdle.

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